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Sasha Exeter on Skincare & Self-Care

Who is Sasha Exeter

Meet Sasha Exeter, the well-known Canadian content creator who has partnered with brands like Joe Fresh, Indigo and Tetley. She is an entrepreneur, retired athlete and the face of Joe Fresh Active. We are so incredibly lucky to sit down and chat with Sasha to hear about her wellness journey and her skincare tips. 

Thanks so much for sitting down with us, we're so happy you're here. You've spoken openly about what a whirlwind the last few years have been. You've had some incredible career highs and some real challenges to your mental and physical health. What are some strategies you use to stay grounded and connected to yourself amidst the chaos?

Staying grounded has proved to be extremely difficult over the last two years - for everyone. I thought I had it all figured out when it comes to staying grounded but quickly realized during the pandemic that I most certainly did NOT! 😂 That being said, I had to learn by trial and error and also get some assistance in order to help stay tethered and connected.

I finally committed to therapy, so there’s that! It’s been quite an investment doing weekly appointments with my therapist, who is amazing, but it was really necessary. I don’t think I would have survived the pandemic without her. Breathwork has also become critical for me to help with anxiety that I had developed and I still consider my workouts to be active meditation. I have found journalling and keeping notes have also helped tremendously. Understanding what and who may trigger negative feelings, thoughts and anxiety has helped remove some things out of my life that were no longer serving me.

Going in and out of photo shoots and makeup looks can take a real toll on your skin! How do you keep your glow going?

I believe that good skin really starts from within. I like to stay hydrated and drink roughly 4 liters of water every single day. I take a ton of supplements. Eat healthy. Try my best to get a solid sleep every single night. I sleep on silk pillowcases, which is one of my favourite good skin hacks and really try to be conscious and mindful of the products that I use on my face. My skin takes a lot of beating on shoot days so when I am not working, I like to not wear makeup or go as light as possible.

In recent years, and after reading dermatologist Sandy Stotnicki’s book Beyond Soap, I made an effort to significantly pare down on my skincare routine. Something that was much harder than you think to be honest 😂. I am a self proclaimed hoarder of beauty and skincare products but I have learned that I don’t need to use everything, all of the time. I listen to my skin and its needs every day and tailor the skincare to that.

I got introduced to Miracle 10 a few years ago with both products and treatments and it’s the Platinum Night Repair, Stem Cell Serum and Super C for meeeeee!

Have you always cared for your skin? Was there a moment or time in your life that propelled you into self-care?

Haha, NOPE! Believe it or not, I used to have terrible skin actually. As a former elite athlete I struggled with sebum build up and acne from excessive sweating, not enough water, and the wrong skin care products. I had no guidance. Like, at all. I don’t think I really started giving a shit about my skin until I was in my mid to late thirties. That’s when shit got real and thought, “now is probably a good time to figure this out!” I did find a shift with my skin once I got pregnant with my daughter. I don’t know how or why, but I think I’ve only had 2-3 blemishes or pimples since and she’s 4 ½ now.

But as for self care in general. Becoming chronically ill with a kidney disease and fibromyalgia was the catalyst for me taking self care more seriously.

We are SO here for all of the Maxwell content on your stories and feed! She is so fun and sweet and the strength of your bond is really apparent. What are some values that you're hoping to instill in your daughter, Maxwell?

Aw, thank you. She really brings so much joy to me and my online community. She is my best friend and such a big part of my life.

Affirmations are BIG in our household. I feel like it’s never too early for self love and acceptance. It’s so tough with all the messaging in traditional and social media. Young girls are easily impressionable and influenced in what they see, so I really want Maxwell to love herself for who she is. Feel comfortable in her skin. Be confident. Kind. And know that who she is, is enough.

What’s currently in your bag? What is one thing you can’t leave your house without?

Oh jeez, I am one of those women who has everything and the kitchen sink in her handbag. I usually carry a tote or a large handbag to accommodate all the things I may need during a busy day and what you’ll find inside on any given day:

Hand sanitizer, airpods, a water bottle, my day planner (yes I am old school and like to make notes by hand), a scrunchie, my go-to daytime lipstick plus a lip balm, hand cream, laptop in my Ela x Sasha Exeter vegan leather laptop sleeve, essential oils to keep me calm throughout the day, and an emergency tampon.

We know that you're all about maintaining and supporting mental and physical wellness, so what are some words of affirmation you tell yourself or others when feeling down?

The list of affirmations is endless actually and I keep them on heavy rotation. I like to put them on post-its in my day planner or I write them on my bathroom mirror in lipstick, but some useful ones are:

  1. I am conquering my illness; I am defeating it steadily each day
  2. I possess the qualities needed to be very successful
  3. I deserve all the happiness and success in the world


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